When asked what they wanted to do this summer, my daughters said “we want to spend our vacation at the pool.” That’s right, no camps, no museum trips, no sight-seeing, nothing. Lounging in the super-chlorinated waters of our local pool was their idea of summer bliss. Since my paternal responsibilities require absolute compliance, I agreed;…
Baba Ghanoush
The Terminator: “I’m a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?” Police Officer: “No, you can’t see her she’s making a statement.” The Terminator: “Where is she?” Police Officer: “It may take a while. Want to wait? There’s a bench over there.” The Terminator: “I’ll be back!”…
Bacon Ranch Tofu Salad
The year was 1983, and as I sat on the cusp of manhood, numerous exciting events were happening all around the globe: The “A-Team” premiered on NBC The first mini-van was produced The Chicken McNugget was born Flashdance hit the big screen Clorox launched the first bottles of shelf-stable Ranch dressing Yes sir, parents…
Vegan Meatballs
The holiday season is here. Soon the jolly fat man in red will hopefully be coming down my chimney. Meanwhile, there are cookies to bake and ginger bread houses to construct. There is popcorn to thread and carols to sing. There is cake to fruit and nog to egg. There are presents to wrap and…
Baked Falafels
An Ode to a Favorite “Some call you the Egyptian Pea, Bengal gram, Chickpea, or Garbanzo, Whatever the name, you taste best when you are cooked slow. Two cups a day give you all the fiber you need, But they provide so much else, which is a plus indeed. From antioxidants like quercetin, kaempferol, and…
Lentil Tacos
In 1981, Christmas morning just could not arrive fast enough. I had worked hard all year behaving. There was no shot I was on the naughty list. And, I had written the perfect letter to Santa outlining in exquisite detail what I wanted for Christmas. So, I just sat there waiting to rush into the…
Rueben Sandwich
It was the summer of 1988. A young man stood at the doorstep of adulthood. Fast and clean was his Honda Accord. Plentiful were his mixed tapes. Semi-loud was his factory installed car stereo system. High and tight was his flat-top haircut, a throw-back to the fifties. Tightly pegged were his pants accented by the…
Mushroom Burger Patty Melt
My inspiration for this next dish came from an experience I had back in high school. As a teenager, I would go out on weekend nights looking for some action. Nothing too crazy mind you as my curfew was 11:00pm, and it is hard to find “some action” when you have to be home well…
BLT Sandwich
Now, I have mentioned in earlier posts that I don’t miss meat anymore. Well, this is a giant, big fat, bold faced lie when it comes to sandwiches. For me, nothing made lunch better than bread, mayonnaise, and lots of cold cuts. Vegetables were always a seldom used option. So out of respect for the…
Vegan Gyros
Is there anything better on this planet than the Ronco Rotisserie? Okay, maybe the Pocket Fisherman is a better all-around invention: certainly more portable. But I argue that “Set It and Forget It” is an ingenious example of American ingenuity. There is just something mesmerizing about rotating meat. But wait a minute, this is a…